作者:Harold Johnson律師 及Stephen Leahu律師
供稿:Brinks Gilson & Lione律師事務所
本文案件中,USPTO對PTAB的標準操作程序(Standard Operating Procedures, SOPs)進行修改,修改涉及司法審查小組的案件指派和將判決結果作為判例先例兩方面。同時,新成立的判例意見小組還可對待決審判進行重審,及對特殊重要案件進行上訴。
為提高美國專利商標局(U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO)決策的可預見性與透明度,USPTO局長Andrei Lancu對專利審判與上訴委員會(Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB)的標準操作程序(Standard Operating Procedures, SOPs)進行修改,修改涉及司法審查小組(Judicial panels)的案件指派和將判決結果作為判例先例兩方面。
SOP對通知當事人關于司法審查小組案件指派和替換的程序作出修改,包括在經(jīng)專利商標局局長的批準下,司法審查小組可由超過三位法官組成。法官的經(jīng)驗與技術背景將會在審查小組案件指派中納入考量。一個判例意見小組(Precedential Opinion Panel,POP)被組建,其中通常包括局長、專利委員和PTAB首席法官。在某些情況下,POP成員可將其權利委派他人。POP可對待決審判召集重審,及對特殊重要案件進行上訴。修改后的SOP解釋了當要求POP對待決案件進行重審時的規(guī)則、程序和時效。
而且,POP可協(xié)助局長決策將PTAB判決結果,指定為判例先例(precedent)或教導性(informative)意見。這一更加具有預見性和透明性的程序將取代之前擴展審查小組成員的做法(PTAB在特別情況下將原有三位行政法官的審查小組擴展至四位,其中包括首席法官和經(jīng)挑選的副法官,這種做法被指責會造成“panel stacking”,既加入第四位法官的目的為與局長意見一致從而影響重要案件判決結果)。
The USPTO Director Revises PTAB Standard Operating Procedures
To advance predictability and transparency across the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Director Andrei Iancu revised the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the assignment of its judicial panels and the designation of its decisions. The revisions are based on the USPTO’s six years of experience with PTAB proceedings, and the feedback that it received from stakeholders, practitioners, courts, and legislators.
The SOP revisions change the procedures for informing parties about panel assignments and replacements, including the designation of panels with more than three judges when approved by the Director. The experience and technological backgrounds of judges will be considered in their assignment to a panel. A Precedential Opinion Panel (POP) has been created, which will typically include the Director, the Commissioner for Patents, and the Chief Judge of the PTAB. Under certain circumstances, POP members may delegate their authority. The POP may be convened to rehear matters in pending trials and appeals on issues of exceptional importance. The revisions explain the standards, procedures, and timing for requesting POP review in a pending case on rehearing.
Further, the POP may assist the Director in designating PTAB decisions as precedential or informative. This is expected to replace the prior practice of appointing expanded panels with a process that is more predictable and transparent. Consequentially, concerns about expanded panels that may influence decisions should be alleviated. It is also anticipated that the SOP revisions will result in more decisions being designated as precedential. Parties will be provided with notice when POP review takes place, as well as the identification of the POP members who will decide their case.
作者:Harold Johnson律師 及Stephen Leahu律師
供稿:Brinks Gilson & Lione律師事務所
編輯:IPRdaily趙珍 校對:IPRdaily縱橫君
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